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wendyrun 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

  • Sep 22 Mon 2008 10:57
  • 真累

昨晚吵完架後收到的信!!唉,因為都是自己一個人帶孩子,懷孕時也是一個人,總之爆發了非常認真的不想繼續這個沒意義的婚姻,收到信後我看是sony viao吸引我,哈哈哈,算他暫時沒事,等到今年年底是他的期限!!

Scud Suds to me

My dear !!
For you its probably just another bull-shit email that you receive from me !!
After your outburst last evening and the talk/mention of going your separate way -- has left me with a feeling of vacuum inside me. Have never felt this way for anyone else in the past and the million dollar question for me being -- is there anything the future holds for me shud our relation end. I do not think there is anything at all !! As much as it sounds monotonous -- but that's a fact.
You may recollect that I was the first one to ask you [in a drunk state during a phone call from Sydney, way back in Oct'04] to have a kid even before you had expressed that desire. However I was always non-committal about matrimony & family....bcos of this very reason that I will have a phase of having to stay in this stupid place (like now) for a few months and that will stress out any relationship !! And then god blessed us with Popey when neither of us planned or prepared for it !! Trust me that you both are and will always remain the most cherished & important aspect of life. Even if I'm reduced to a roll of a "sponsor".
Just keeping you informed that my resignation note is already on its way to Robin - have attached a copy [in case you are interested]. I'm dead serious this time as working here in the long term will drive me completely insane. 

There are two sides to every individual an immature one and a mature one and these two facets inside me keep arguing with each other on this question --
My immature side says "I luv u bcos I need u" and my mature side says "I need u bcos I luv u" ........ either which way I look at it the fact is that I luv u and will always do....!!
Take care. Will call after lunch.....in the vain hope that you will answer my phone call !!
Forever Yours !!
P.S. -- I had already ordered couple of things to be delivered to your Mom's address last Thursday itself. So if it comes across pls do receive them. One of them is a Sony laptop which I'm trying to have redirected to me so that I can carry and handover myself when I see you.

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